
Picked up this micro amp (Orange Micro Crush) to practice while watching TV. It operates on a 9v battery, although it also works with a 9v AC power supply. It has a handy built in chromatic tuner. It has two channels....we'll sort of....it has a distortion button. Due to its diminutive size it breaks up very quickly, but can get a half decent clean tone. It's 3 watts and has a 4" speaker. Probably not good enough to record with, but it will suffice for the purpose I picked it up for.


Just to give you an idea what this little bugger sounds like and how small it is, with a SM57 for reference

That is pretty cool. Maybe make a clip?

I don't have anything to record with at the moment (working on to remedy) so I posted the YouTube demo vid. The guy who made the video should have played with volume knob on the amp more and also while dimed if he would have rolled back the volume on his guitar he could get a better clean tone. Though the amp does crunch better than anything. I just picked it up to practice scales and whatnot while watching TV so it should work for this.
The clean/right on the edge of breakup tone is pretty nice actually. You could use that as is for layering on a track.