New pickups incoming for my Jazz Bass


Meatus McPrepuce
I forget how much I like playing my Jazz Bass (broke it out last night for some fun). It feels great but I usually find myself preferring the fatter tone of my P basses. I want something that still has J character but maybe isn't quite as thin as the stock pickups (it's a 2015 American Standard).

I also don't like the hum I get when I turn one of the two pickups down.

Some Googling told me that what I'm looking for is the DiMarzio Model J set. Humbucking design, warm tone, but still J-bass character.

I had a bunch of "thanks points" form work I was able to turn into Amazon gift cards so it didn't even cost me anything for the set!

Will report back.
Excellent, just what I wanted. A bit more bottom end fatness (the neck pickup on its own sounds close to P territory) and dead quiet.

They're also like the cheapest name brand set out there. I wish they would sell the neck pup alone. Maybe I just need to search more, but over here I haven't found any.
Got to play these at "garbage band" rehearsal and I am not thrilled with the sound - they are definitely fatter and quieter but they lack the character of the original pickups. The amp at the practice space is garbage though so maybe I should give them more time through a better system. They certainly don't sound bad, just not as much character if that makes sense...
Put the stock pickups back in. The noise is worth it for that classic jazz bass tone. The DiMarzios certainly didn’t sound bad but this bass is happier with the stock pickups in it.


If anyone wants to buy some very lightly used DiMarzio Jazz Bass pickups I will sell them for pretty good price.