Kemper Kab?

Grant Harding

Creative fingering specialist
Kemper has released a new speaker that they designed with Celestion that acts like a chameleon when connected to a Kemper running the latest firmware. Apparently the results are exactly the amp in the room sound.

I'm waiting patiently. :grin:

Anyone else going to pull the trigger? They're also selling the speakers separately so people can load up existing cabs.
Yeah yeah. :grin:

I bet most of you would be 50/50 in a blind comparison with tube amps, listening or playing. There's just not enough difference for me to not choose the option that gives me any kind of amp and effects sound I want with a single footswitch press. :)
@Grant Harding ... i will probably pick up one for my Mesa Recto 1x12 cab.... live I usually run to a Mesa tube combo (FX return) but if the Kone is awesomex i would put a Duncan power block or whatever thats called on the floor.
I'll let you know. Everyone that's gotten theirs on the Kemper forum is raving about them as far as I can tell.

I'm going to drive mine with the Kemper onboard power amp and send the main stereo outs to the PA. Nothing else except a compressor pedal in front.
I'm using a Kemper Stage... so non powered.

I did play a gig right before everything started shutting down, and ran my Kemper straight to the board with not as good as into tube amp, but still usable results.
Anyone else read ‘Kemper kebab’?

Yeah - he's like a puppy, but I appreciate the stuff he does and he's a really good player IMO. I also think the Kemper is the best piece of music gear I've ever bought, so I'm biased. :wink: