If you could have...


I crash bikes
what would be your 3 choices for relatively simple 1-2 channel amps that you would want? Old fender? Old Marshall? Etc? Reverb? Tremolo?
Cabinet type? Speaker? Gain boost?

Or if you would not want this type why? I'm curious and doin a little research. Thanks
1. Deluxe Reverb style. There is an amp builder that makes them in 15, 22 and 35 watt sizes in a Princeton style cab with a 12” speaker and a mid control that I️ think is perfect.

2. Marshal style amp in a 1x12 combo with god power attenuation - like my Suhr Badger 30

3 - 1x12 solid state amp with lots of clean headroom that doesn’t sound Ike shit. Haven’t found that one yet even though I️ own a DV Jazz 112
Marshall or Fender Tweed style. Attenuator that goes down to less than one watt. Effects loop. Clean and dirty channels.
I love the vibrolux sound

I didn't really set out to buy one, it just kinda happened. But I've been very happy with it now for 10 years and I've gotten pretty good at dialing in pedals. I guess I could get a Dr Z Maz or a Marshall 1974x, which I definitely GAS for from time to time. But the Allen is where it's at for me, especially since it takes pedals so well.
I didn't really set out to buy one, it just kinda happened. But I've been very happy with it now for 10 years and I've gotten pretty good at dialing in pedals. I guess I could get a Dr Z Maz or a Marshall 1974x, which I definitely GAS for from time to time. But the Allen is where it's at for me, especially since it takes pedals so well.

If an amp takes pedals well, will Joe Bonamassa think it's lazy?
I think I’d be fine with a BF/SF Deluxe Reverb and an AC 30. No tremolo/vibrato, just Reverb.
I don't really know much about amps, but this one looks pretty and I bet I can get the appropriate Toanamassas out of it.
