I just heard from an old bandmate


Kick Henry Jackassowski
He was the lead guitarist in the 2nd band I was ever in, late '83 thru '85-ish.

He just sent me a PM on facebook asking how I was doing, yadda yadda... then asked if I still had my old Carvin. He was the reason I bought mine, as he had bought an '83 Carvin DC160 that was used, and that thing was a killer guitar.

Anyways, he said he had sold his a while back and regretted it, and he just found it for sale, some lawyer in NY is selling it for $1600. He wants to own it again, but that's too much $ for him (more than what they usually sell for, too).

Was I bad for replying that not only do I still have my old one, but that I just bought an '86 koa DC 150/160 for $800 that plays fantastic?
He was the lead guitarist in the 2nd band I was ever in, late '83 thru '85-ish.

He just sent me a PM on facebook asking how I was doing, yadda yadda... then asked if I still had my old Carvin. He was the reason I bought mine, as he had bought an '83 Carvin DC160 that was used, and that thing was a killer guitar.

Anyways, he said he had sold his a while back and regretted it, and he just found it for sale, some lawyer in NY is selling it for $1600. He wants to own it again, but that's too much $ for him (more than what they usually sell for, too).

Was I bad for replying that not only do I still have my old one, but that I just bought an '86 koa DC 150/160 for $800 that plays fantastic?

The maple beaut looks wrong with regular pups. The M22s complete the aesthetic that hooked me as a yute.
Howie will say this is why you never sell your first good guitar. Unless you're Mystix :tongue: