I am super-fascinated by remote lighthouses.


Monkey With Tools
Can you imagine living on a rock surrounded by miles and miles of ocean? I find the idea terrifying yet weirdly appealing.

Ar Men is very far from anything, for instance! :eek:


The Eddystone Lighthouse has a cool history, also:


I've been in a few. I think it would be an experience that would be memorable beyond belief. Every time I've seen one (with living quarters) I've imagined the solitude and surroundings of living there.

Si hoc legere scis numium eruditionis habes.
I could stay in a lighthouse if it had nice living areas with a kickass stereo/entertainment system, fully-equipped kitchen, etc. But I would want one that was on land, not sticking straight up out of the ocean like that one in the picture. That would be really scary during storms. :tongue:
It must have taken a lot of nerve, especially in the days before communication through radio and telephone. To top it off, many brought their wives and family with them. :eek:

Here's to the keepers of the lights! :thu:
Not for me.....

I believe there is a long history of people going batshit crazy and either killing their spouses or themselves after being stuck on one of those for awhile......
Not for me.....

I believe there is a long history of people going batshit crazy and either killing their spouses or themselves after being stuck on one of those for awhile......

All work and no play makes Jackie a dull boy
All work and no play makes Jackie a dull boy
All work and no play makes Jackie a dull boy
All work and no play makes Jackie a dull boy

Sort of different but in a similar vein (these are small and unmanned,) there are some really cool ones in Russia that were powered by radioactive sources...and in the collapse of the Soviet Union they lost track of them all. They've cleaned up some of them, but others remain...and some people have tried to scrap the things, not knowing strontium is inside.





The strontium-90 cores—which have a half life of 26.5 years— were left at the sites of the navigation devices. They are highly radioactive—emitting some 1000 roentgens per hour—and local police officials and officials from the Murmansk Regional Federal Security Service, or FSB, said in interviews with Bellona Web that the suspects could well be dead or seriously ill. They have therefore expanded their search for the suspects to include not only the areas from where the RTG's were stolen, but to Murmansk area hospitals as well. They are also combing local metal scrap yards, a Murmansk FSB official said in a telephone interview.
There are some really cool ones in Russia that were powered by radioactive sources...and in the collapse of the Soviet Union they lost track of them all. They've cleaned up some of them, but others remain...and some people have tried to scrap the things, not knowing strontium is inside.






I read some book (I think it was a Tom Clancy novel) where they stole the radioactive material from one of those things for a terrorist device but I didn't realize they really existed.
Not for me.....

I believe there is a long history of people going batshit crazy and either killing their spouses or themselves after being stuck on one of those for awhile......

Fuck that shit. I'm on day three of being stuck in the house without a running car. I've got easy access to the bus and plenty of places to walk to and I'm still bouncing off the walls.

I read some book (I think it was a Tom Clancy novel) where they stole the radioactive material from one of those things for a terrorist device but I didn't realize they really existed.

Yeah, it's sort of fascinating. Norway was even helping Russia clean them up.



The first lighthouses with RTGs to be removed were those near the border to Norway west of the Fishermen’s Peninsula on the Barents Sea coast. Originally there were 180 RTGs in the Barents Region. Half of them were removed before 2006. As of 1 January 2006, there were 84 RTGs in the Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and Nenets regions, including those on Novaya Zemlya. During the autumn of 2006, six RTGs were removed from the area by the White Sea. In 2007 the remaining 21 RTGs in Arkhangelsk as well as some from Novaya Zemlya were removed. In 2008, a total of 46 RTGs in Nenets Autonomus area and on Novaya Zemlya were removed.
Fuck that shit. I'm on day three of being stuck in the house without a running car. I've got easy access to the bus and plenty of places to walk to and I'm still bouncing off the walls.


That was me about 4 months ago, "stranded" at my house with no car or heat or furniture. I was about to kill a bitch.