HCEG favorite crazy builder featured in esquire

I just checked out his site and remember those headstocks, but I don't remember him on HC. I think I've blocked most of the HC stuff from my mind :grin:
I just checked out his site and remember those headstocks, but I don't remember him on HC. I think I've blocked most of the HC stuff from my mind :grin:

AFAIK, he was never a member of the forum but his guitars and rants posted to his site were often discussed

He had an entire page accusing PRS of personally being satan, you had to audition with him to prove you were qualified to buy one of his dumpster guitars...and on and on. He was Ed Roman on LSD.
He’s fun. Never played one of his guitars. The site and rants are hilarious.
Can’t believe a builder would commit to a god awful headstock like that and not have the strings line up straight through the nut. I would give two shits about the fugly headstock if it had the tuners lined up to pull straight through the nut.

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Weird - I hadn't seen these before, so I clicked on the first guitar on his gallery page:


WTF is all that schmutz on the bass side of fretboard? I sure wouldn't be plunking down megabucks on something that looked like that ON THE MAKER'S WEBSITE!!!!
I was going to grab a link to an archived version of his old site for you guys that never had a chance to see it but no such luck

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