GPOTD Guitar Pic Of The Day 5/18/2011...Keith Richards Edition

Elias Graves

Common misfit


'Micawber' is probably one of Keith’s most famous trademark guitars and is a 1953 Fender Telecaster Blonde. Micawber is named after a Charles Dickens character, no one is exactly sure why. Keith’s had this guitar since Exile On Main St. This guitar is kept in Open G tuning (G,D,G,B,D) low to high with no capo, and of course has the famous 5 strings with the 6th string removed (as do all his open G tuned guitars).
Love the guitar.

Kind of hate what Keith's done to it,'s pretty beat up.
I'm gonna need all 6 strings.
(Not because I'm better than Keith (Ha! Like you didn't know that already), rather because I don't know how to play in open tuning. Never tried, to be honest...).

David Gilmour plays one of those as well, though Dave's seems to be in much better condition.
Keith's is pretty beat to shit.

So, if you can find the other saddle which has been removed, and can clean the dirt and grime and shit off of it, maybe.
As it sits there, though.....

Hum/mini-hum necked Teles are cool.

While I love the history this guitar has, I wouldn't want to touch it after years of Keef boogers, sweat, and transfused blood all over it.
Great guitar and a living piece of rock history. It is not for me, but it does rise a bit above a like or dislike due to what it is, so no like-o-meter today. Now a 6 string version in standard tuning would be more my thing....

So - hot. In Keith's hands it made rock history....
This Tele is iconic and will no doubt end up in the Hall in Cleveland. Unless some Bernie Madoff type scarfs it. As my Grandmother used to say, "I'm here to tell ya. Mark my words."
You could probably get a contact high just from handling that thing.

I don't like Teles generally, but that one's hot because of its place in rock history.