grumble grumble grumble...


Couch'd Tater...
I'm the only Mitsubishi parts guy in the dealership, and we're open 6 days a of the guys in the Ford store next door is cross trained to cover me, and he usually picks up a couple Saturdays every month...he's also very good at manipulating the schedule so he gets a 3 day weekend for holidays...

Well, this time I had it all worked out so I could finally get a 3 day weekend of my own this weekend with labor day...until just now...he just told me they rescheduled his playoff softball game to Saturday morning...

Now, you have to understand, he doesn't have to work I feel like if I rock the boat he could just tell me to fuck off and it's 6 day weeks for me forever...but fuck me, man, seriously?

tl/dr: bitch moan cry poor me...

Yeah...I would have told him that I already had book a hotel room and whatnot somewhere based on his availability and he needed to figure it out.