family mojo please

Much mojo.

It sounds like he may be dealing with major depression or bipolar. Hopefully he is getting help. I live with major depression. It's incredibly difficult.
Shock of sudden paradigm shift mojo. The bolt of insight I wish I could have (and provide). Something to lift the sense of helplessness that we feel when we watch the slow train wreck...
Sadly, he's been to the bottom multiple times. I think some people just like to be miserable and depressed.
I've been to the bottom multiple times myself. My brain chemistry is off kilter. Meds help take the edge off. But they don't make you happy. In many cases, the side effect create other problems.

I seriously doubt that he wants to be miserable and depressed. But his depression or bipolar combined with the PTSD from his childhood may be too much for him to handle.

In my case, it's major depression with PTSD from being sexually abused as a child several major traumas. It's severe enough that I recently had to file for disability. He may be in a similar situation.
mojo to you guys.

ya know, sometimes a person may not really KNOW what it is to not be miserable. they don't know the path to "better"......and after a life of it, may not believe it's possible or "worth the bother", especially if they percieve that they will only end up back where they are now.

just sayin'

QFT + a million
Sounds like we have a great deal in common. All you can do is offer your support. He might reject you 99 out of 100, but persistence can sometimes pay off.
Never tell someone you know what they are going through. You don't and never will, because in broken people our minds just don't work the way other people's do.
I would love to tell you that it gets easier, but it usually doesn't.

Sadly, We do as well. My only brother (younger) died at 50 in December because he basically drank himself to death. Former police officer and Army LT. We tried to help. and he once reached out for intervention help and we gave it, but it never lasted. If there was some way I could skip December in my life, I would gladly do so.
Mojo, Paula. As I'm sure Gary will agree, people don't choose to be depressed and miserable, sometimes it's just how they're programmed and there isn't another natural choice.

Now I'm pieing.