Do you like sparkling mineral water

Pellegrino is nice. LaCroix is so amazing that I had to stop buying it because I drink six or eight cans a day and get gas.
I like it as a change from tap water. I get the cheap Safeway brand. lemon, lime or orange.

We also have a home fizzer thing that we use with a replaceable gas cartridge thing.
Yes. Whatever the restaurant has.

At home, not really. Although, there is a new flavoured sparkling water (store brand) that's not bad. It is sweetened with stevia though. It's okay. I'm still getting used to the taste of stevia.
I used to do Perrier back in the 80s when it was trendy. I will get a sparkling mineral water sometimes when I am out, but never at home anymore.
Straight sparkling mineral water - no.

The seltzer water? yes. I started drinking LaCroix to help me not want to drink pop at home. Now I drink it all the time, though I have moved to the less expensive stores brands from Kroger, Safeway, or Walmart. As long as it is just water, carbonation, and natural flavors.
Yes, Pellegrino.
At home, we just use a Sodastream to fizz up the filtered water from the fridge.
Sparkling mineral? I don't seek it out but I'll no pass it up if offered
Seltzer? Yes. Polar is by far my favorite. La Croix is most common around where we're at now and it's ok.
Pellegrino is great, but I don't buy it very often.

My neighbor gave me 2 cases of the big bottles of Pellegrino about 5 years ago, when that summer was one of the hottest on record. He told me he was given the 2 cases by the trucking firm he worked for, but when he brought them home and opened a bottle, both him & his wife didn't care for it.

Going for a nice fast-paced walk for an hour in 100-degree heat, there was nothing better then coming home after and gulping down a half bottle or so of ice cold Pellegrinos :)