Question: Creamback vs greenback (replacement for V30)


Yes, that's Oolong. :)
So I've got a Blackstar HT-40 with the extension cab and swapped out the speakers (Seventy 80s) with a Hellatone 60 (rebranded Celestion V30) and a greenback.

The greenback is heavenly.

The V30 is harsh and too "in your face".

The V30 is in the combo itself though so I'd like to put something higher powered in there than a greenback (again it's 40 watts, greenies are 25). What about the creamback at 65 watts?

Any other suggestions? Looking for a smoother vintage tone.

is the V30 new or has it been broken in? V30s can be harsh initially, but they sound great once they've settled in (IMO).
I'm a creamback fan :)

So is Ken. :embarrassed:

Sigh... ya had to go there didn'chya guys?! :facepalm:

Guess I kinda served it up on a silver platter though didn't I. But Celestion helped!!! Who decided to call that thing a creamback anyway?