Chord Help, I broke the chord cracker app!!!

Knox in Box

Rustbelt refugee.
So I have some chord progression I wore and it had a chord I don't know how to name and my chord cracker app just shows "none" when I look it up. Please help if someone can name this.


I would think it is a dimished D of some sort, but I can't tell since it stumped the app with only three tones.
I would think D6 of some sort....
D is the root
A is the 5th
B is the 6th
Diminished would be a flatted 5th (Ab)
Augmented would be a raised 5th(Bb)

I'm going with D6....
B minor no 5th over D?

We probably did the same thing...originally I used a reverse chord finder and got the same result as you.
But since I'm considering D as the root I went with D6. I wasn't looking at that as a slash chord. But yeah, it's open to interpretation
We probably did the same thing...originally I used a reverse chord finder and got the same result as you.
But since I'm considering D as the root I went with D6. I wasn't looking at that as a slash chord. But yeah, it's open to interpretation
That's what I did.
The D6 needs a Gb though, right?
Theory comes after the composition is done. Going on what's there I would call that a 4 chord in the key of D. Does the chord feel like the tonal center or does it feel like it needs to move on or have a resolution?