Hot or Not? Boss OD1x and DS1x, demo by Pete Thorn

They both sound great to me, but would any pedal sound bad when used by Pete Thorn while playing his Suhr guitar through this vintage Bassman or boo-teek Suhr amp?

I'd like to see how those pedals sound when played by Joe Sixpack playing his MIM Strat though a Peavey Classic 30. They may still sound just as good, but I'd prefer a more "real world" demo (at least closer to the world I live in).
I think the DS sounds better as well, but they both sound pretty damn good.
Of course, he would make a $50 First Act Strat copy though a Pignose sound good, so YMMV.
I like the way both of them sounded. Each has its place in certain types of music.

Do I have GAS to run out and buy them...not really.
I would love to see a Pete Thorn demo with a footswitch and then he's playing all this crazy shit...... wait for people to post comments...

... and then a few days later, post a video where you take the back off the pedal and show that it's input... wired direct to output... and the footswitch is only hooked to the LED. :embarrassed:
That talentless toad AGAIN?!

Oh, If only I had a tenth of his chops...and good looks...and gear...:facepalm: