Beatles Tribute Band Name

Abbey Road Traffic Wardens :shrug:

We would call them "Abby Road Crossing Guards" which would be a hilarious image with little kids dressed like the Beatles and the band members wearing reflective vests and holding signs.

Actually the band logo could be this....

Magical History Tour, meh, that sucks. I was gonna suggest the Coleoptera, but I see Block Inlay beat me to it.
While it started as a joke, I really think "Abbey Road Crossing" is a pretty cool name.

I even modified the image with Hard Days Night lettering.


#ARC :helper: @smurfco
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Surely "Number 9" has been used.

Number 9.1

Number Nein. Umpa themed Beatles tribute

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The Meatles: America's only meat-themed Beatles tribute
The Breedles: America's only half Breeders/half Beatles tribute