Autumn is coming...

Wilmer X

So here´s a track that reminds me of migrating birds in the Nordic autumn - called "Windfalls".

It´s from an idea one of the drummers in the group had: he´s teaching polyrhythmics at university and wanted a track with no "1" in the rhythm. So the drummers play like that and the other guitarist comes in out-of-rhythm too. Then he makes some whistling noice as a background, and I put my old Les Paul-SG over it all. It´s from GuitCussion´s CD Blue Congo, yes.
No one else listening to Nordic autumn music in August? :(

GuitCussion is now planning for a new CD, with more jazz oriented music. This first CD, Blue Congo, accidentally became very King Crimson/free-form rock oriented. I will post some tunes from the new one here, within some months....