Model Citizen 0 Disipline
So the top of my GAS list for a long time has been a Music Man Axis. I just haven't had the enough cash in my gear fund to seriously pursue an Axis. Last weekend I saw a EVH Wolfgang Special at a local store and decided to give it a try and instantly loved it. The best thing was the price tag was ove $700 less than the Axis. I have been thinking about the EVH ever since. While searching the Internet I came across the Wolfgang Stealth and instantly my GAS was overwhelming. I have a thing for black guitars and a Wolfgang in flat black with an ebony board is about as GAS inducing as it gets.
Anyone here have a EVH Wolfgang and what is your opinion? One thing that I'm struggling with is the guitar being made in China at that kind of price but the reviews are all great for the Special.

Anyone here have a EVH Wolfgang and what is your opinion? One thing that I'm struggling with is the guitar being made in China at that kind of price but the reviews are all great for the Special.