WTF: And I thought the Scots had the unhealthiest snacks in the world


Paula Deen, eat your heart out!

To answer your question, I've never seen it, but I'm not surprised. Hell, I'd try it. And what's wrong with a pork chop on a stick?
Beats a popular treat in some Asian countries:


I might, MIGHT even try a scorpion on a stick.
But I am not, NOT going to try the tarantula on a stick.
Fuck that nonsense.

This is the USA, damnit!

I'm eating fried butter on a stick and I'm gonna love it.
And if we have our way, you're gonna eat it, and love it, too!

Or we'll bomb you.
These are the Scottish contributions to snacking. I can safely say I value my life too much to try this:

Battered and deep-fried pizza


Deep-fried Mars (although it as more like a tourist thing. No Scottish person I know eats these:

I call bullshit - no self respecting chippy would sell a pizza supper without chips :mad:

I got horrible food poisoning from one when I was about 10 and have never touched one since. I can remember even at that age when sharing a jeggy bottle of irn bru between 20 pals wasn't disgusting, that I realised they were disgusting.