What ELSE can I do with a turkey fryer?

Chicken Man

Kick Henry Jackassowski
I found a really great deal on a propane turkey fryer, which I've been looking for to use for maple syrup next spring. But I do love fried food, so... What else can I make in this thing? I don't think I'll do a whole turkey any time soon. Could I crank out industrial quantities of falafel? Anyone gone off-book with these things?
It's a big pot with fire under it. Right?

Boil stuff.

If you're going to keep the oil in it, then fry away.
Just do some research on what kind of temps you're going to see in there and make sure you can cook stuff through without turning the outside into asphalt. Other than that, be careful about moisture and you should be okay.
You can create a new YouTube sensation in the spirit of "Will it blend?", but instead of throwing expensive gadgets into a blender, you slowly dip them into the hot oil covered in tempura batter.

"Will it deep fry?"

This is far more attention holding than that other show. This one is steeped in mystery and suspense. Who knows what unholy carnage is happening inside that crispy shell of tasty batter?

The viewer is forced to wait until the moment when the tempura is peeled away to slowly reveal the horrifying results inside. Meanwhile, a steady flow of ads popping up in the top right corner of the screen keeps the cash register in a constant state of cha-ching! This massive ad revenue then enables you to constantly purchase and deep fry the latest iPhone for the delight and horror of your ever increasing fans.

You're welcome.