Hide avatars?


User Error
I normally like to hide avatars when I'm at work, and I have the "Hide Avatars" button checked in my personal settings, yet avatars are still visible.

What gives?
Has it changed where the avatars are suddeenly available where they weren't before? Also are you using the full site or mobile skin?
Screen Shot 2014-12-30 at 9.12.53 AM.png
I see avatars on my desktop, and on my phone and laptop using the mobile view.

Attached is where I am trying to hide avatars, and what I'm actually seeing when on the forums.
Huh. that should work. Have you tried the "all the time" button to see if at least that works?
Huh. that should work. Have you tried the "all the time" button to see if at least that works?

Well I'll be damned. :facepalm:

I bet I know what happened. I probably had the avatars blocked to my work computer only. I got a new work computer a few months ago. I imagine that's when the avatars showed back up.

I'll have to try registering this computer and see if it works.

Thanks, Mark.