
Last I checked (which was a couple years ago when a bandmate was into it), the US stuff isn't permitted to have wormwood in it.

As of '07 it's permitted, including wormwood as an ingredient, as long as it doesn't contain thujone.
This is rather nice. Made here in Philadelphia. I can do the ritual with the spoon/sugar/special glass and it's fine. I like it even better in a good Sazerac, however.

No thujone per US regs is less than 10 parts per million. European brands typically run 20-40 ppm. Accordingly the self proclaimed Internet connoisseurs prefer the European brands.
The stuff about thujone in old absinthe is bullshit.

Also, the hallucinogenic properties of absinthe are wildly exaggerated. I once had a pound of the stuff illegally imported from the Czech Republic and spent weeks trying to get fucked up to no avail. If thujone causes hallucinations I’m pretty sure they’re the same kinds high school kids have when somebody sells them blotter paper with food coloring on it and tells them its acid.