Need recommendation for C#/C strings


Kick Henry Jackassowski
I need new strings for playing in C#/C on an Epiphone Thunderbird. At present I use a DR Strings DDT-55 set (55/75/95/115) and they’re too taut and stiff; playing Children of the Grave with these strings actually makes my hands and forearms hurt. For comparison, I can tune the D’Addario 45–130 set on my five-string up to C and there’s less tension than the DDT-55 set has in C. I need strings that will have tension comparable to the aforementioned D’Addario set in C# and be a little loose in C. This bass gets used mostly for Sabbath along with some doom and stoner rock (Monster Magnet, Kyuss, Sleep), so I don’t need a punchy modern metal sound.
I went with the D’Addario half-wound 50–105 set. They’re weird; they can be punchy like round wounds but I can slide with no noise or resistance. And they feel like some kind of organic thing that’s touching me back. Much more playable than the DDT strings were, but that was just my fault for picking the heaviest set DDT sold for tuning low and not thinking that they might have been intended for tuning lower than a five string set instead of tuning to C.