Recent content by nuke_diver

  1. nuke_diver


    I think :idk: Actually got a new laptop on the 6th. First laptop in 10 (since my working days). My desktop is getting long in the tooth and I thought I'd try a laptop as I travel some and it be nice to have some entertainment when I'm stuck at my MIL house for a week. So after a lot of looking...
  2. nuke_diver


    Granted he's a friend so I listen to pretty much anything he does :idk: Wish I had his chops :mad:
  3. nuke_diver

    It's been about five years

    Because of the pandemic and the shops closed around here, after that one time my wife bought a Wahl clipper set from Amazon for $20 and she cuts my hair now. Best stylist ever :D :wave:
  4. nuke_diver

    It's been about five years

    I'm more like 5 weeks. During the pandemic when all the shops were closed I probably went 6 months, then skipped quarantine and found a place in another county that was open and got my hair cut. Long hair is WAY too hot.
  5. nuke_diver

    STAR WARS - Hot take.....

    The OG was groundbreaking in terms of special effects in 77 so it has that going for it. Frankly, though like almost everyone I did go see it, I didn't really like it. Too much white hat black hat stuff. I liked the Empire strikes back much more as there was at least some plot twists to a...
  6. nuke_diver

    REVEAL…. I know I teased this one a while back….

    SS Frets are the bomb! HNGD
  7. nuke_diver

    A computer chair actually designed for MUSICIANS???... cool...

    A friend of mine bought a drum throne(?) for use as a guitar/desk chair. It's one with a back, Pearl D-3500BR and he loves it. He's on the tall side and finding something that was comfortable for him was a bit of a challenge. As this is adjustable it's worked well for him. It's a bit pricey...
  8. nuke_diver

    Which music legend going is going to hit you the hardest?

    I thought Paul was Dead :idk: Bowie was big for me. Given that 2 other Beatles have already died I don't think Paul will be such a hit like Bowie was.
  9. nuke_diver

    Have you ever flown in a Helicopter?

    Only once on a sight seeing trip in Kauai. One of the coolest experiences ever, certainly a bucket list thing. Top 2 reasons why: 1. We flew into a rainbow. I had no idea what would happen. The rainbow became a rainbow circle, it was incredible. 2. We flew into one of the canyons on the Na...
  10. nuke_diver

    Dig it! The "R" word.

    Excellent news Gary!
  11. nuke_diver

    Funny, Creepy AI Pics Of MWGL Peeps

    oh no worries. She's been gone a long time (2010) and my wife (against my will) got a replacement who's now about 15. I made the comment only because it looked like my old girl (Best dog ever BTW) looked like she ended up as a skin :lol: The cartoon ones are quite good :thu:
  12. nuke_diver

    Funny, Creepy AI Pics Of MWGL Peeps

    My poor old girl :cry: