Recent content by mystixboi1

  1. mystixboi1

    NGD - is it good enough?

    Congrats! I love those guitars. Try rolling the tone knob down a bit and you’ll get a convincing neck pick up Sound.
  2. mystixboi1

    HN cheap GD!

    I’ll start off by saying that I love my suhrs and prs core cu22 but I also have a love for cheap guitars. It’s a guilty pleasure I’ve been having some pretty crazy Les Paul gas for the last couple months. While I was looking for a Les Paul, this came up for sale for $100 in Facebook...
  3. mystixboi1

    Dig it! NGD - competition prize.

    Congrats! Enjoy!
  4. mystixboi1

    FS/FT: Suhr Standard

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: Suhr Standard Modifications (if any): N/A Accessories (hardshell case etc): Suhr hardshell case(one of sides of handle is broken) Location (City,State or City,Country): Mullica Hill, NJ International OK? : not at this time Contact Info (No Phone #s)...
  5. mystixboi1

    Vintage vs. Sire

    I’ve owned a few vintage summer of love guitars. Great guitar for the price! I would do it again too!
  6. mystixboi1

    Inexpensive wireless system

    Nope. I actually just checked and I don’t see it anymore. That’s odd.
  7. mystixboi1

    did some minor surgery with my 5150 iii 50 watt el34

    I got this amp a while back, but found it useless in a live situation because the blue channel was flubby and lacked any kind of definition. i then found a small mod that i could make that would take care of the flubb. i opened up the amp and cut the c137 wire. this was added to the amp to make...
  8. mystixboi1

    Inexpensive wireless system

    try the joyo one. i did and i like it way more