I've been a Logic Pro guy for some years and ProTools before that. At the school we are doing a show that requires the students to program and play with backing tracks this semester and the music director for this show is having us use Ableton for everything since that apparently is how much of...
Whelp, After all of this and fixing the bottom strap button which had stripped out last week the top strap button fell out and I don't have time to mess with it so it stays home tonight.
I love throwing my gear on stage, getting the hairy eyeball from some boomer and then two songs in having them tell me how good my sound is. At the end of the day, none of it matters if it doesn't sound any good. And most of that comes from the player knowing his gear and playing well.
Also, I had to take both a chisel and a drill to the guitar. @telecaster911 did such an exact job cutting things to the exact parts I sent him that I had to widen the pickup slots and the holes for the volume and tone.
Now it is just a volume and 1 global tone, and there is a 5 way that does...
To be honest, I don't think I'll ever buy another "real" amp. I get a much more manageable and consistent Marshall experience from my Fractal and owning good amps to record with is not really a need for me anymore.
Too lazy to airdrop a pic to my computer:
Since my "in house" tech Jacob did the soldering it worked flawlessly last night. It sounds so different from my other guitar I'm going to need a new preset for it. Much lower output and kind of scooped sounding. Still a little aggressive in the...