Recent content by Lerxst

  1. Lerxst

    Is there a Youtube like site that doesn't pixelate out the violence?

    This is like your thing? It shouldn't be too hard to find the raw violence you's out there, you just need to dig around for it.
  2. Lerxst

    RIP Gene Hackman :(

    Two dogs that were not crated had outdoor access and survived. Seems she was dead for some time and hackman was far enough along with Alzheimer's that he may not have known or was able to feed himself. Very grim.
  3. Lerxst

    I’ve definitely voiced opinions about Guitar Center… but mad props to new CEO Gabe Dalporto

    How long has he been on the job? This sounds like a lot of post-fall from grace ceo speak.
  4. Lerxst

    Where in the World is Peen Simmons

    When you're done in Detroit, come on out this way and you can visit Rooster Rock, named due to it's resemblance to Mike's new fav thing.
  5. Lerxst

    It's been about five years

    I wish I saved that "where will you be when the metmucil hits" image. :D
  6. Lerxst

    REVEAL…. I know I teased this one a while back….

    A ghost fret pro just pop'd up about an hr away from me for $850
  7. Lerxst

    Where in the World is Peen Simmons

    Everyone I know who has done that type of frequent work travel talks about how easy it is to slip into some really bad habits to kill the boredom and tedium that comes with the territory. It can really fuck you up.
  8. Lerxst

    Where in the World is Peen Simmons

    Your work travel sounds much like a friend of mine who works in manufacturing and gets to go to some really exciting places, like Baytown, TX, on the regular.
  9. Lerxst

    Analogman Manufacturing

    Generally, it seems like every effect category has offerings that appeal to the demographic that is very selective about that category and/or the general hype machine pedal with great secondary market potential. The KOT has always seemed to hit the mark in both cases. When I lived on the east...
  10. Lerxst

    Analogman Manufacturing

    Yeah, they're still building them. As of last year, they were making 50-60 KOTs a week with 20-30 people getting on the wait list daily.
  11. Lerxst

    I Finally Bought A Dumble…

    Sounds nifty..HNAD
  12. Lerxst

    Which music legend going is going to hit you the hardest?

    Honestly, I don't know if any will hit me much more than reminding me of my own mortality. I've already lost the majority of my family and a bunch of friends over the years. I've gone through a lot of introspection & compartmentalization around death, in general. There's plenty of artists whose...
  13. Lerxst

    NGD - is it good enough?

    nice, let me know when it's for sale. ;)