Recent content by Knox in Box

  1. Knox in Box

    Was gifted a guitar so I guess HNGGD

    Well HNGGD
  2. Knox in Box

    HNCOD Now HNBD!!!

    Arrived today and I couldn't be happier: Plugged it in for about half an hour and yes, this thing sounds great however you set the controls. I have a Marcus Miller with all the active controls and this things just sounds "right". Playability is good although the neck is bigger than I usually...
  3. Knox in Box

    HNCOD Now HNBD!!!

    Nah, more like this. Paul I can do some of, but ....
  4. Knox in Box

    Vegan Guitar Pick???

    I love to soaka da co'k
  5. Knox in Box

    HNCOD Now HNBD!!!

    I'll just pretend that I understood that... :)
  6. Knox in Box

    HNCOD Now HNBD!!!

    Happy New Cancelled Order Day Around Christmas my wife saw me checking out a Harley Benton bass, semi acoustic, G ES type body, in red, but with an MM style pickup. I was intrigued but not totally turned on, but she ordered it as my gift, not seeing that it was a backorder for 11-12 weeks. So...
  7. Knox in Box

    Vegan Guitar Pick???

    I have a pack of these that sound glorious with acoustic guitars. Also with electric of you want that scratchy pick The Edge tone.
  8. Knox in Box

    Mojo Request DEVASTATING: illusions shattered and a heart broken by the "magic pawn shop".. it's a dilemma truer than anything you could find anywhere in the Bible

    Then again, you're expecting folks that literally give rock bottom loans to people for their goods in order to maximize their profits and buy off of meth heads and various thieves and such to have integrity when it comes to a counterfeit guitar.
  9. Knox in Box

    Check Out this UK auction "The Guitar Geek" just posted about!!!

    Lord Almighty the fact that this weighs a metric shit ton and i would have to arrange shipping to Germany is the only thing keeping me from bidding....
  10. Knox in Box

    Check Out this UK auction "The Guitar Geek" just posted about!!!

    This link brings you in to page 4 of day one I haven't event looked at the other days yet. There are some seriously nice and interesting pieces in this. About a page back they have a Squire that was used to test the BMG red special pickups still loaded with a set with certificate expected to go...
  11. Knox in Box

    Teleclear-Bullet Silver Dollar Caster Merica

    Meathead face edition
  12. Knox in Box

    2026 Ford Maverick! Is it legit?

    They even beefed up the Focus at the end. I mean, I appreciate that imy 2022 is also roomier than my 2015, but it lost a bit in tracking on tight back roads with that change.
  13. Knox in Box

    2026 Ford Maverick! Is it legit?

    "All I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me!"
  14. Knox in Box

    I have nothing to do... I know I'll go to Elderly Instruments....Just play some guitars.... I don't need anything....

    Now that you mention it, when I was looking for a set online, they did sell them also with open covers. I had forgotten about that.