Recent content by Highernoon

  1. Highernoon

    A stupid question for you non-Heebs

    In Hebrew it's lashleshet. Oddly, I learned that from an educational ahow for children (back in tge days).
  2. Highernoon

    A stupid question for you non-Heebs

    Thanks. I aasume your native tongue is English, yes?
  3. Highernoon

    A stupid question for you non-Heebs

    Does your native tongue have a word for bird-shit?
  4. Highernoon

    What are your thoughts on Sideways pedals?….

    Not as bad when it's a one-knob pedal, for some reason
  5. Highernoon

    The death metal appreciation thread part deux

    Finally uploaded the promo/split I got in a little shop in Helsinki about 8 years ago. Tiolet humor and swing
  6. Highernoon

    Question: WTF - no threads since AUGUST?????

    I just finished restringing a nylon-string for my nephew (almost 9) who recently shown interest in playing.
  7. Highernoon

    Filling that empty space

    Tremolos are fun. I have the Keeley Supermod Workstation and lately I'm enjoying exploring tremolo sounds beyond How Soon is Now and Riders on the Storm. I have no experience with Mr. Moto, it looks simple and user friendly, and has a shape knob (a must for a tremolo, for me at least). Since it...
  8. Highernoon

    Shaking my Head Compression

    It seems that all the parameters are under "compression" knob (or some under compression and some are fixed). Some compressors have an attack knob, but release\ratio/threshold are rare.
  9. Highernoon

    The death metal appreciation thread part deux

    Anti-Zionist death/grind
  10. Highernoon

    Clustered NPDs

    Was there suppose to be a link or a picture?
  11. Highernoon

    Clustered NPDs

    Some pedals I got over the past few weeks/months Bought the TC Nether Octave and the Flamma Cab in April, the Nether for fun and the Cab to start doing some home recording sometime, haven't opened the box yet. A digital nomad/ex-bass playing friend gave me some pedals, I am tempted to keep...
  12. Highernoon

    Flatwound strings on flat-top acoustic guitars

    Not as far as I know, if I knew of any I'd asaume they ... eh, 'work'. (pardon my early morning coherency)
  13. Highernoon

    Flatwound strings on flat-top acoustic guitars

    I guess it depends on how deader (how much and in what way) they sound. Thanks for the input, I guess when I'll get an acoustic I'll try a set of flats before a setup. What gauge of strings do you use on your 175?
  14. Highernoon

    Flatwound strings on flat-top acoustic guitars

    I like the feel of flats. No projection - does that mean that it will sound lifeless, or that the sound won't "fill the room" as well as 'normal' acoustic strings? I don't have an acoustic these days, just wandering.