Recent content by Chad

  1. Chad

    Analogman Manufacturing

    My king of tone arrived today. Sounds awesome. The bad news is the yellow led doesn’t work. Just emailed them, hopefully they don’t put me on a 7 year wait list for support.
  2. Chad

    Analogman Manufacturing

    It’s really a no risk purchase. You either get a pedal you like or sell it for double what it cost you.
  3. Chad

    Analogman Manufacturing

    Got on the list 12/7/18. Finally got the email it’s my time to buy, 2 days ago.
  4. Chad

    The Dual Rectifier is back.

    I’ll gladly take a used MB over one that Gibson produced. I’ve owned several used ones and they are built like tanks. Never had any issues with them. I gigged a Mark I head for 3 years with 2, 3 hour rehearsals a week. Other than swapping the power tubes when I bought (only because I prefer...
  5. Chad

    Rick Beato Goes Full Butthurt

  6. Chad

    finally got rid of the Fractal

    It's a cool piece of gear but I never could get used to working it without the computer app. So I got this instead. And I'm really happy with it. No real menu diving and it takes seconds to get great sounds. The touchscreen along with the footswitches changing to knobs for the amps/effects...
  7. Chad

    No entries for Mystery Stocking this year?

    I've been able to give most of the crap to my neighbor's kids. They always need strings and straps.
  8. Chad

    No entries for Mystery Stocking this year?

    I bit again. This time I got a DOD fuzz pedal. By far the best thing I've ever gotten from it. It looks like most people have bailed from it. I got an email the day after they went on sale saying they were still available. The first couple years they sold out in minutes.
  9. Chad

    Poop Knife Experience

    Really no different than any other vibrato. Set the guitar up properly and you’ll have no issues.
  10. Chad

    2024 Concert Thread

    Cake was probably the most fun I've had at a show. They were awesome. Band of Horses were pretty good. Buzzcocks, Circle Jerks, Descendents was awesome.
  11. Chad

    Question: VOTE! What is the worst, most annoying, most hated song you've ever heard in your life?

    Anyone who did not vote for Kars for Kids needs to move to nova for a month and only listen to the radio station I listen to. Your vote will change very fast.
  12. Chad

    a couple of new Warmoth builds

    24.75 scale
  13. Chad

    2024 Concert Thread

    My brother saw him recently too and said it was a train wreck. I just love those 2 albums.
  14. Chad

    Question: REAL QUESTION: Slide guitar - should I "set the guitar up for slide" or learn to play slide on my regularly set up guitars?

    For that tune, you don’t need to change your guitar. It’s really basic and pretty minimal.
  15. Chad

    2024 Concert Thread

    I saw him right after Covid and it looked like one more drink and it would have been a disaster.