It's been about five years

Gary Blanchard

beloved, local musician
So I decided it was time for a...haircut!
Gary March.PNG
I'm more like 5 weeks. During the pandemic when all the shops were closed I probably went 6 months, then skipped quarantine and found a place in another county that was open and got my hair cut. Long hair is WAY too hot.
That's the before photo right?

As an impending baldy I shave my dome at least twice, usually three or four times a week using a de razor.

It's turned into a bit of a hobby and minor gas situation - my head currently smells like one of The Duke of Edinburgh's (God Rest His Soul) Summer Garden's , allegedly :embarrassed:
Looking sharp Gary!

Since we're on the subject, I quit going to my hair stylist of 30 years. I went to a, gulp, barber instead. I hadn't done that since I was a kid. He did a better job for 60% less. It took him 1/3 of the time too. The funny thing is, he has long hair and hasn't had his hair cut in a few years.
Last hair cut I had at a barber shop was awful, and I had to listen to his jibberjabber the whole time.
I'm more like 5 weeks. During the pandemic when all the shops were closed I probably went 6 months, then skipped quarantine and found a place in another county that was open and got my hair cut. Long hair is WAY too hot.

Looking sharp Gary!

Since we're on the subject, I quit going to my hair stylist of 30 years. I went to a, gulp, barber instead. I hadn't done that since I was a kid. He did a better job for 60% less. It took him 1/3 of the time too. The funny thing is, he has long hair and hasn't had his hair cut in a few years.

I'm doing the opposite, always went to a barber, now I've started going to a beauty parlor. It's exactly twice as much as the barber was and worth it. My daughter cut my hair during the pandemic. When it was over and I went back in, he said he never closed. A friend of my late bro in law's got his barber license, tried a regular barber shop but, could take the politics all day long. He ended up in a salon so, that's where I go now.
Now when are you getting a clean shave?
I'm doing the opposite, always went to a barber, now I've started going to a beauty parlor. It's exactly twice as much as the barber was and worth it. My daughter cut my hair during the pandemic. When it was over and I went back in, he said he never closed. A friend of my late bro in law's got his barber license, tried a regular barber shop but, could take the politics all day long. He ended up in a salon so, that's where I go now.
You're going to a barber that works out of a beauty salon and charges salon prices?

I've been to my barber twice and I couldn't be happier. My hair cuts at the salon would take a week to not look weird. Barber dude's cut looks good right out of the gate. He doesn't talk politics. I think he plays guitar too. I haven't chatted him up too much.
I went from February 2020 to somewhere mid 2021 without a hair cut and was shocked at little my hair grew over that time. Sumfin about the last decade that has not only closed many follicles for business and greatly diminished hair growth...sigh...

Not particularly surprising as I've always struggled to grow and real/significant facial hair.
Barbers around here want to go right to the clippers. They greet you with, "What's your number?" No thanks, I'll pay for the stylist.